Eligibility Requirements For Family Immigration To Canada

Various family immigration programmes are available to help you reunite with your family in Canada. Still, understanding the eligibility criteria might be difficult. In this article, we will outline the many possibilities and requirements for family immigration to Canada. Read on to discover how you may begin a new life with your family in Canada, whether you want to sponsor a spouse or bring over parents or grandparents.

Partner in Marriage or Common Law

Your spouse or common-law partner must sponsor you and fulfill qualifying requirements. If they have additional qualifications, your sponsor, who lives in Canada but is not a citizen or permanent resident, is also eligible.

You will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Live in Canada (if applicable)
  • Have sufficient money to support your spouse/common-law partner and any dependent children
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Should not have a criminal record that would disqualify them as a sponsor under the Immigration and Nationality Act (for example, an offense involving violence or cruelty)

Dependent Children

To be eligible to sponsor a dependent child, the sponsor must:

  • Live in Canada
  • Meet certain income requirements
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Be 18 years of age or older

The sponsored child must:

  • Be under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship
  • If the child is over 22, they must have been dependent on their parents for financial assistance before 22. They also should not have been married or been in a common-law relationship before that age.

Parents and Grandparents

The Parents and Grandparents programme allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to apply for immigration to Canada.

To qualify, they should:

  • Own a valid travel document, such as a passport
  • Applying from outside Canada requires legal status in your home country. For instance, US applicants need a visa
  • If applying from within Canada, you must possess legal status in the country. For refugee claimants, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada must have awarded refugee status.
  • Have been sponsored by your child or grandchild who satisfies certain income standards and who has signed an agreement agreeing to give financial assistance for your first ten years in Canada
  • Have undergone medical exams and obtained police clearances as part of the application process

Other Relations

Blood relations of the sponsor include aunts, cousins, uncles, nephews and nieces. Canadian citizens or permanent residents over 18 can sponsor. When a sponsored relative becomes a permanent resident, a Canadian citizen residing abroad must show that they intend to live in Canada.

Sponsorship requires to:

  • Be 18 or older.
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 
  • Live in Canada
  • Support your family financially (you will need to sign an agreement promising to do this)
  • Be linked to your sponsored relatives by blood or adoption
  • Not have committed specified crimes


We hope this article has helped you comprehend the Canadian family immigration qualifying standards. If done right, applying for permanent residency for Canada is a lengthy process that may be quite rewarding. Ensure that your application is comprehensive and has all required documentation before submitting it to avoid delays or issues in gaining approval.

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